Compassion illuminating wholeness.

My approach intuitively combines a number of techniques designed to meet your individual needs.
My approach intuitively combines a number of techniques designed to meet your individual needs.

Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT or tapping is a body-mind intervention based on the wisdom of eastern medicine. With a tapping motion to stimulate certain points, you can access your capacity for release and healing. This technique can be used to address problems with anxiety, depression, chronic pain and trauma.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
CBT is a problem solving approach where we look at how thoughts, emotions and behaviors affect each other. When a problematic belief or pattern is discovered we will explore the options for change. I will support you in implementing strategies to interrupt the chain of eventrs that create problems for you.
Mindfulness is a practice taught in eastern traditions that uses the power of attention to calm the mind. By paying attention in the moment with a non judgmental quality you can become more calm and more effective in your day to day life.
Emotional Grounding
Emotional Grounding
A central part of healing occurs with the realization and validation of emotions. By practicing “sitting with” your emotions both in and out of session, we can increase your sense of power in your life.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
DBT was pioneered based on a combination of the eastern concept of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral techniques. Western culture is dominated by all or nothing thinking. DBT helps you with identifying the “middle path”. Through practicing four skill sets, you can become more skillful in regulating your emotions, and thus be more effective in your life.
Interpersonal Therapy
Interpersonal Therapy
The quality of your relationships can influence your sense of wellness. IPT explores interpersonal patterns in a person's life that may be creating distress. By focusing on issues such as role changes, grieving, or conflicts we can identify solutions to enhance your connection with others.